Running Thoughts

A per-kilometer check-in on running the Scotiabank Ottawa Marathon for the second time, on May 25, 2014. Starting Line-      Apparently, there’s a man here running his 728th marathon. He is 88. Amazing. Kilometer 1-      Yay, crowds of runners! (5min06 sec) 2-      I can’t believe these people woke up to cheer us on. It’s 7AM. Go… Read More Running Thoughts

Unconformity: the Sixth McGill Anthropology Graduate Student Conference

What is the role of the ‘what-is-no-longer-there’ in shaping the present?  How do anthropologists, and other academics, engage with residuals, traces, and artifacts? How do intrusions, differences, ruptures, and discontinuities speak to investigative areas of inquiry? Such questions will be addressed next Friday (March 21st) at the McGill Anthropology Graduate Student Association’s (AGSA) sixth annual… Read More Unconformity: the Sixth McGill Anthropology Graduate Student Conference


Winter is hard. Cold weather breeds antisocial behavior. The lack of daylight drives down energy levels. And the snow and ice further hamper any activity that requires even a minimal effort. This year, with its record-breaking lows, has been particularly difficult, even in a Winter-friendly city like Montreal. In an attempt t to stave off… Read More #SSMUSki

Professionalization the CAPS way

Confession time: I’ve never applied for a job. Sure, I’ve applied for graduate schools, grants and scholarships, teaching assistantships, and once, a course lectureship. And I’ve had  jobs outside of the academy too, ranging from gymnastics coach to in-China program instructor. Some of these applications required CVs, a cover letter, or interview, but none required… Read More Professionalization the CAPS way